These are perilous, disturbing times indeed. I’m grateful for your European opinion. Most people are too weak-minded and thin-spirited to handle unpopular opinions and uncomfortable truths.

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Outstanding, insightful essay, Alain! Sixty years ago, I was a 9-year-old schoolboy in Miami, Florida, being taught how to “duck and cover” under my school desk, just in case Nikita Khrushchev decided to launch a nuclear strike during the Cuban Missile Crisis. (They obviously put a lot of faith in those school desks back then). Putin can see, as the whole world can, that Biden is no Kennedy - and that makes Putin’s threats far too serious to take lightly. This almost overnight decision by this administration - and its sycophant media - to act as though Ukraine is the agreed-upon “hill” that America is prepared to die upon, is pure insanity. And yet, Biden seems to be hellbent on taking this country in that direction. I completely understand the concerns of my Flemish and Dutch family, being so close to this potential nuclear threat, and pray to God that “duck and cover” drills do not become part of the school curriculum anytime soon.🙏

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Thank you for your comment. Disturbing times indeed. I have a Brussels friend, Michel Devinck. Family maybe?

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Also, I was remiss in not thanking you for your outstanding Headwind interview with Mattias Desmet. That should be put into a time capsule for future civilizations to find and, hopefully, learn from.

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As my father was the first American-born DeVinck, much of our “old country” family has grown and expanded over the years, which makes identifying potential relations difficult. No doubt, Michel could very likely be a distant cousin of mine, so please send my best wishes in any event.

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Alain Grootaers

The good old war-profiteering machine is now on overdrive, as usual aided by a propaganda machine well oiled after almost 3 years of covidian lies, deceit, and censure. The merger between state, military and corporate power is now so complete that it has become invisible to most, and the few pointing a finger at the twisted machinations of this war machinery are thrown into the “right-wing conspiracy” pile, while most on what’s left of the Left are asleep at the wheel, in fact aiding and abetting the corporate state Machine, allowing and perpetuating dirty lies.

As it seems that the US regime is almost wanting to have Europe suffer in order to increase its dependency on the American empire and squash the possibility of a bi-polar world, isn’t there a form of resistance to this assault in Europe (or in Belgium)? Are some people pointing their finger at NATO and the US, and are they listened to, or are they even allowed to be heard without being treated as traitors?

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Alain Grootaers

Masters of War, also by Bob Dylan.

The military interest in Musk’s space link is also disturbing.

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Alain Grootaers

Ditto @Samantha!

And this article should be read and understood by every citizen on Earth.

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I also think it was a hint towards AI. If not: nice typo 😉

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Yes, excellent piece, thank you. I wonder, though, did you spell "ALL" in the title "Al" deliberately, as a play on words with "Artificial Intelligence"? ;-) (One understands how easy it is to miss typos in headlines!)

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Good read! Was turned on to your writings by Dr. Robert Malone? Thanks for what you do!!!

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